What do today’s Hollywood celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Catherine Zeta Jones and Sofia Vergara have in common with old Hollywood celebrities like Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly and Lauren Bacall? They all discovered what works for them and made it their signature look. Contrary to popular belief, discovering your signature style doesn’t just happen. But with these steps, you’ll be sure to discover your signature style:
1. Ditch the Negative Attitude
If you have an “I don’t care” attitude to how you look, then it will show in your appearance and in your life. The most successful people know how important it is to look the part. The key is to picture how you want to present yourself and the perception that you want them to walk away with in different social settings that you’re in – work, school, pta’s, cocktail parties, etc. With a good mental attitude, positive outlook about yourself and knowing how you want to present yourself is the start.
2. Identify Your Style Personality with Scrap Booking
What’s great about today is that we have access to images for inspiration in magazines, books and online. Start a style book or style board on Pinterest and collect images of style icons and looks that you admire. If you see something you like, photograph it and file it. Be realistic and only go for images that you know you will wear for yourself. Make note of what you like about the image: Great hair, Love the shoes, Need this blush color, etc. Categorize the images by function – work, school, weekend, happy hour, dinner parties, etc. By doing this, you’ll be able to gather the looks that you like in different settings and you’ll be able to identify your style personality.
3. Clean Out Your Closet
Go through your closet with a black trash bag. This helps with not seeing the pieces through the bag and will help prevent you from putting it back in your closet. Go through each piece and ask yourself: Does this work with my look? Edit out pieces that don’t fit the criteria in your style book. This can be tough, but be strict. Style icons know what works best for them and sticking to the formula is the key.
4. Clean Out Your Makeup Bag/Drawer
Just like our wardrobe, our makeup drawers also need a cleansing. Throw away old lipsticks, mascara tubes, eye shadows, etc that are past 3-6 months of purchase. Look through your style book and review the makeup looks you like. If it doesn’t work with your look, toss it out.
5. Complete Your Wardrobe / Look
Look for key pieces that you don’t have in your closet and start shopping around for them. Put aside a budget and work within your budget. Evaluate where you will spend a little bit more or less. With so many options to choose from, anyone can look great on any budget.
6. Make an Appointment with Your Glam Squad
Your makeup and hair, in my opinion, makes or breaks your look. The right hair and makeup style flatters your face shape and makes the most of your features. Save time by booking at a hair salon that also provides makeup application. Yes, this can be expensive but what this adds to your overall appearance makes them worth every penny. The saying ‘pictures say a 1000 words’ definitely applies here. Show your makeup artist and hair stylist images of what you like from your style book so they can help you get the signature look you’re going for.